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Teamcity Reporter Reporter

wdio-teamcity-reporter is a 3rd party package, for more information please see GitHub | npm

WebdriverIO Teamcity reporter which makes it possible to display test results in real-time, makes test information available on the Tests tab of the Build Results page.


npm install wdio-teamcity-reporter --save-dev

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here:


Add reporter in your wdio.conf.js file:

exports.config = {
// ...
reporters: [
captureStandardOutput: false, // optional
flowId: true, // optional
message: '[title]', // optional
// ...


  • captureStandardOutput (boolean) — if true, all the standard output (and standard error) messages received between testStarted and testFinished messages will be considered test output. The default value is false and assumes usage of testStdOut and testStdErr service messages to report the test output. Default false.
  • flowId (boolean) — if true, flowId property will be added to all messages. Flow tracking is necessary for example to distinguish separate processes running in parallel. Default true.
  • message (string) — possibility to provide particular format for the name property. Possible keys: [browser], [title]. Example, [browser] / [title]. Default [title].


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