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Based on the setup type (e.g. using the raw protocol bindings, WebdriverIO as standalone package or the WDIO testrunner) there is a different set of options available to control the environment.

WebDriver Options

The following options are defined when using the webdriver protocol package:


Protocol to use when communicating with the driver server.

Type: String
Default: http


Host of your driver server.

Type: String
Default: localhost


Port your driver server is on.

Type: Number
Default: 4444


Path to driver server endpoint.

Type: String
Default: /


Query parameters that are propagated to the driver server.

Type: Object
Default: null


Your cloud service username (only works for Sauce Labs, Browserstack, TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting or LambdaTest accounts). If set, WebdriverIO will automatically set connection options for you. If you don't use a cloud provider this can be used to authenticate any other WebDriver backend.

Type: String
Default: null


Your cloud service access key or secret key (only works for Sauce Labs, Browserstack, TestingBot, CrossBrowserTesting or LambdaTest accounts). If set, WebdriverIO will automatically set connection options for you. If you don't use a cloud provider this can be used to authenticate any other WebDriver backend.

Type: String
Default: null


Defines the capabilities you want to run in your WebDriver session. Check out the WebDriver Protocol for more details. If you run an older driver that doesn't support the WebDriver protocol, you’ll need to use the JSONWireProtocol capabilities to successfully run a session.

Next to the WebDriver based capabilities you can apply browser and vendor specific options that allow deeper configuration to the remote browser or device. These are documented in the corresponding vendor docs, e.g.:

Additionally, a useful utility is the Sauce Labs Automated Test Configurator, which helps you create this object by clicking together your desired capabilities.

Type: Object
Default: null


browserName: 'chrome', // options: `chrome`, `edge`, `firefox`, `safari`
browserVersion: '27.0', // browser version
platformName: 'Windows 10' // OS platform

If you’re running web or native tests on mobile devices, capabilities differs from the WebDriver protocol. See the Appium Docs for more details.


Level of logging verbosity.

Type: String
Default: info
Options: trace | debug | info | warn | error | silent


Directory to store all testrunner log files (including reporter logs and wdio logs). If not set, all logs are streamed to stdout. Since most reporters are made to log to stdout, it is recommended to only use this option for specific reporters where it makes more sense to push report into a file (like the junit reporter, for example).

When running in standalone mode, the only log generated by WebdriverIO will be the wdio log.

Type: String
Default: null


Timeout for any WebDriver request to a driver or grid.

Type: Number
Default: 120000


Maximum count of request retries to the Selenium server.

Type: Number
Default: 3


Allows you to use a customhttp/https/http2 agent to make requests.

Type: Object

http: new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true }),
https: new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true })


Specify custom headers to pass into every WebDriver request and when connect to browser through Puppeteer using CDP protocol.


These headers aren't passed into browser request. If you are looking for modifying request headers of browser requests, please get involved in #6361!

Type: Object
Default: {}


Function intercepting HTTP request options before a WebDriver request is made

Type: (RequestOptions) => RequestOptions
Default: none


Function intercepting HTTP response objects after a WebDriver response has arrived. The function is passed the original response object as the first and the corresponding RequestOptions as the second argument.

Type: (Response, RequestOptions) => Response
Default: none


Whether it does not require SSL certificate to be valid. It can be set via an environment variables as STRICT_SSL or strict_ssl.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


Whether enable Appium direct connection feature. It does nothing if the response did not have proper keys while the flag is enabled.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


The path to the root of the cache directory. This directory is used to store all drivers that are downloaded when attempting to start a session.

Type: String
Default: process.env.WEBDRIVER_CACHE_DIR || os.tmpdir()


The following options (including the ones listed above) can be used with WebdriverIO in standalone:


Define the protocol you want to use for your browser automation. Currently only webdriver and devtools are supported, as these are the main browser automation technologies available.

If you want to automate the browser using devtools, make sure you have the NPM package installed ($ npm install --save-dev devtools).

Type: String
Default: webdriver


Shorten url command calls by setting a base URL.

  • If your url parameter starts with /, then baseUrl is prepended (except the baseUrl path, if it has one).
  • If your url parameter starts without a scheme or / (like some/path), then the full baseUrl is prepended directly.

Type: String
Default: null


Default timeout for all waitFor* commands. (Note the lowercase f in the option name.) This timeout only affects commands starting with waitFor* and their default wait time.

To increase the timeout for a test, please see the framework docs.

Type: Number
Default: 3000


Default interval for all waitFor* commands to check if an expected state (e.g., visibility) has been changed.

Type: Number
Default: 500


If running on Sauce Labs, you can choose to run tests between different data centers: US or EU. To change your region to EU, add region: 'eu' to your config.

Note: This only has an effect if you provide user and key options that are connected to your Sauce Labs account.

Type: String
Default: us

(only for vm and or em/simulators)

Testrunner Options

The following options (including the ones listed above) are defined only for running WebdriverIO with the WDIO testrunner:


Define specs for test execution. You can either specify a glob pattern to match multiple files at once or wrap a glob or set of paths into an array to run them within a single worker process. All paths are seen as relative from the config file path.

Type: (String | String[])[]
Default: []


Exclude specs from test execution. All paths are seen as relative from the config file path.

Type: String[]
Default: []


An object describing various of suites, which you can then specify with the --suite option on the wdio CLI.

Type: Object
Default: {}


The same as the capabilities section described above, except with the option to specify either a multiremote object, or multiple WebDriver sessions in an array for parallel execution.

You can apply the same vendor and browser specific capabilities as defined above.

Type: Object|Object[]
Default: [{ maxInstances: 5, browserName: 'firefox' }]


Maximum number of total parallel running workers.

Note: that it may be a number as high as 100, when the tests are being performed on some external vendors such as Sauce Labs's machines. There, the tests are not tested on a single machine, but rather, on multiple VMs. If the tests are to be run on a local development machine, use a number that is more reasonable, such as 3, 4, or 5. Essentially, this is the number of browsers that will be concurrently started and running your tests at the same time, so it depends on how much RAM there is on your machine, and how many other apps are running on your machine.

Type: Number
Default: 100


Maximum number of total parallel running workers per capability.

Type: Number
Default: 100


Inserts WebdriverIO's globals (e.g. browser, $ and $$) into the global environment. If you set to false, you should import from @wdio/globals, e.g.:

import { browser, $, $$, expect } from '@wdio/globals'

Note: WebdriverIO doesn't handle injection of test framework specific globals.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


If you want your test run to stop after a specific number of test failures, use bail. (It defaults to 0, which runs all tests no matter what.) Note: A test in this context are all tests within a single spec file (when using Mocha or Jasmine) or all steps within a feature file (when using Cucumber). If you want to control the bail behavior within tests of a single test file, take a look at the available framework options.

Type: Number
Default: 0 (don't bail; run all tests)


The number of times to retry an entire specfile when it fails as a whole.

Type: Number
Default: 0


Delay in seconds between the spec file retry attempts

Type: Number
Default: 0


Whether or not retried spec files should be retried immediately or deferred to the end of the queue.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


Services take over a specific job you don't want to take care of. They enhance your test setup with almost no effort.

Type: String[]|Object[]
Default: []


Defines the test framework to be used by the WDIO testrunner.

Type: String
Default: mocha
Options: mocha | jasmine

mochaOpts, jasmineOpts and cucumberOpts

Specific framework-related options. See the framework adapter documentation on which options are available. Read more on this in Frameworks.

Type: Object
Default: { timeout: 10000 }


List of cucumber features with line numbers (when using cucumber framework).

Type: String[] Default: []


List of reporters to use. A reporter can be either a string, or an array of ['reporterName', { /* reporter options */}] where the first element is a string with the reporter name and the second element an object with reporter options.

Type: String[]|Object[]
Default: []


reporters: [
['junit', {
outputDir: `${__dirname}/reports`,
otherOption: 'foobar'


Determines in which interval the reporter should check if they are synchronized if they report their logs asynchronously (e.g. if logs are streamed to a 3rd party vendor).

Type: Number
Default: 100 (ms)


Determines the maximum time reporters have to finish uploading all their logs until an error is being thrown by the testrunner.

Type: Number
Default: 5000 (ms)


Node arguments to specify when launching child processes.

Type: String[]
Default: null


A list of glob supporting string patterns that tell the testrunner to have it additionally watch other files, e.g. application files, when running it with the --watch flag. By default the testrunner already watches all spec files.

Type: String[]
Default: []


Compiler options when using WebdriverIO with TypeScript or Babel.


If set to true the WDIO testrunner will automatically try to transpile the spec files.

Type: Boolean Default: true


Configure how ts-node is suppose to transpile the files.

Type: Object Default: { transpileOnly: true }


Configure how @babel/register is suppose to transpile the files.

Type: Object Default: {}


The WDIO testrunner allows you to set hooks to be triggered at specific times of the test lifecycle. This allows custom actions (e.g. take screenshot if a test fails).

Every hook has as parameter specific information about the lifecycle (e.g. information about the test suite or test). Read more about all hook properties in our example config.

Note: Some hooks (onPrepare, onWorkerStart, onWorkerEnd and onComplete) are executed in a different process and therefore can not share any global data with the other hooks that live in the worker process.


Gets executed once before all workers get launched.


  • config (object): WebdriverIO configuration object
  • param (object[]): list of capabilities details


Gets executed before a worker process is spawned and can be used to initialize specific service for that worker as well as modify runtime environments in an async fashion.


  • cid (string): capability id (e.g 0-0)
  • caps (object): containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker
  • specs (string[]): specs to be run in the worker process
  • args (object): object that will be merged with the main configuration once worker is initialized
  • execArgv (string[]): list of string arguments passed to the worker process


Gets executed just after a worker process has exited.


  • cid (string): capability id (e.g 0-0)
  • exitCode (number): 0 - success, 1 - fail
  • specs (string[]): specs to be run in the worker process
  • retries (number): number of spec level retries used as defined in "Add retries on a per-specfile basis"


Gets executed just before initializing the webdriver session and test framework. It allows you to manipulate configurations depending on the capability or spec.


  • config (object): WebdriverIO configuration object
  • caps (object): containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker
  • specs (string[]): specs to be run in the worker process


Gets executed before test execution begins. At this point you can access to all global variables like browser. It is the perfect place to define custom commands.


  • caps (object): containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker
  • specs (string[]): specs to be run in the worker process
  • browser (object): instance of created browser/device session


Hook that gets executed before the suite starts (in Mocha/Jasmine only)


  • suite (object): suite details


Hook that gets executed before a hook within the suite starts (e.g. runs before calling beforeEach in Mocha)


  • test (object): test details
  • context (object): test context (represents World object in Cucumber)


Hook that gets executed after a hook within the suite ends (e.g. runs after calling afterEach in Mocha)


  • test (object): test details
  • context (object): test context (represents World object in Cucumber)
  • result (object): hook result (contains error, result, duration, passed, retries properties)


Function to be executed before a test (in Mocha/Jasmine only).


  • test (object): test details
  • context (object): scope object the test was executed with


Runs before a WebdriverIO command gets executed.


  • commandName (string): command name
  • args (*): arguments that command would receive


Runs after a WebdriverIO command gets executed.


  • commandName (string): command name
  • args (*): arguments that command would receive
  • result (number): 0 - command success, 1 - command error
  • error (Error): error object if any


Function to be executed after a test (in Mocha/Jasmine) ends.


  • test (object): test details
  • context (object): scope object the test was executed with
  • result.error (Error): error object in case the test fails, otherwise undefined
  • result.result (Any): return object of test function
  • result.duration (Number): duration of test
  • result.passed (Boolean): true if test has passed, otherwise false
  • result.retries (Object): information about single test related retries as defined for Mocha and Jasmine as well as Cucumber, e.g. { attempts: 0, limit: 0 }, see
  • result (object): hook result (contains error, result, duration, passed, retries properties)


Hook that gets executed after the suite has ended (in Mocha/Jasmine only)


  • suite (object): suite details


Gets executed after all tests are done. You still have access to all global variables from the test.


  • result (number): 0 - test pass, 1 - test fail
  • caps (object): containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker
  • specs (string[]): specs to be run in the worker process


Gets executed right after terminating the webdriver session.


  • config (object): WebdriverIO configuration object
  • caps (object): containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker
  • specs (string[]): specs to be run in the worker process


Gets executed after all workers got shut down and the process is about to exit. An error thrown in the onComplete hook will result in the test run failing.


  • exitCode (number): 0 - success, 1 - fail
  • config (object): WebdriverIO configuration object
  • caps (object): containing capabilities for session that will be spawn in the worker
  • result (object): results object containing test results


Gets executed when a refresh happens.


  • oldSessionId (string): session ID of the old session
  • newSessionId (string): session ID of the new session


Runs before a Cucumber Feature.



Runs after a Cucumber Feature.



Runs before a Cucumber Scenario.


  • world (ITestCaseHookParameter): world object containing information on pickle and test step
  • context (object): Cucumber World object


Runs after a Cucumber Scenario.


  • world (ITestCaseHookParameter): world object containing information on pickle and test step
  • result (object): results object containing scenario results
  • result.passed (boolean): true if scenario has passed
  • result.error (string): error stack if scenario failed
  • result.duration (number): duration of scenario in milliseconds
  • context (object): Cucumber World object


Runs before a Cucumber Step.


  • step (Pickle.IPickleStep): Cucumber step object
  • scenario (IPickle): Cucumber scenario object
  • context (object): Cucumber World object


Runs after a Cucumber Step.


  • step (Pickle.IPickleStep): Cucumber step object
  • scenario (IPickle): Cucumber scenario object
  • result: (object): results object containing step results
  • result.passed (boolean): true if scenario has passed
  • result.error (string): error stack if scenario failed
  • result.duration (number): duration of scenario in milliseconds
  • context (object): Cucumber World object


Hook that gets executed before a WebdriverIO assertion happens.


  • params: assertion information
  • params.matcherName (string): name of the matcher (e.g. toHaveTitle)
  • params.expectedValue: value that is passed into the matcher
  • params.options: assertion options


Hook that gets executed after a WebdriverIO assertion happened.


  • params: assertion information
  • params.matcherName (string): name of the matcher (e.g. toHaveTitle)
  • params.expectedValue: value that is passed into the matcher
  • params.options: assertion options
  • params.result: assertion results

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