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Browserstack Service

A WebdriverIO service that manages local tunnel and job metadata for BrowserStack users.


The easiest way is to keep @wdio/browserstack-service as a devDependency in your package.json, via:

npm install @wdio/browserstack-service --save-dev

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here.


WebdriverIO has BrowserStack support out of the box. You should set user and key in your wdio.conf.js file. This service plugin provides support for BrowserStack Tunnel]( Set browserstackLocal: true also to activate this feature. Reporting of session status on BrowserStack will respect strict setting of Cucumber options.

// wdio.conf.js
export const config = {
// ...
user: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME,
services: [
['browserstack', {
testObservability: true,
testObservabilityOptions: {
projectName: "Your project name goes here",
buildName: "The static build job name goes here e.g. Nightly regression"
browserstackLocal: true
// ...


In order to authorize to the BrowserStack service your config needs to contain a user and key option.


By default, testObservability is also enabled when you use the browserstack-service. You can read more about the advanced reporting and analytics functionalities of Test Observability and also read about how it works. You can visit the Test Observability dashboard after running your tests and also choose to disable it by setting the key to false.

You can use Test Observability even if you do not want to run your tests on the BrowserStack infrastructure. You could be running your tests on CI or on your laptop or even on other cloud service providers like Sauce Labs, Test Observability could still work and give you all the intelligent test reports and advanced analytics.

You can set your config in the following manner if you do not want to run tests on BrowserStack Automate or App Automate (infrastructure) but still want to use Test Observability (note that user and key are now defined under the scope of the browserstack service):

// wdio.conf.js
export const config = {
// ...
services: [
['browserstack', {
testObservability: true,
testObservabilityOptions: {
user: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME,
projectName: "Your project name goes here",
buildName: "The static build job name goes here e.g. Nightly regression"
// ...

Read more in BrowserStack documentation about how to get started with Test Observability.


Set this to true to enable routing connections from BrowserStack cloud through your computer.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Set this to true to kill the BrowserStack Local process on complete, without waiting for the BrowserStack Local stop callback to be called. This is experimental and should not be used by all. Mostly necessary as a workaraound for this issue.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Appium set this with the app file path available locally on your machine to use the app as application under test for Appium sessions.

Type: String or JsonObject
Default: undefined

List of available app values:


Use locally available app file path as an application under test for Appium.

services: [
['browserstack', {
app: '/path/to/local/app.apk'
// OR
app: {
path: '/path/to/local/app.apk'

Pass custom_id while the app upload.

services: [
['browserstack', {
app: {
path: '/path/to/local/app.apk',
custom_id: 'custom_id'


Use the app URL returned after uploading the app to BrowserStack.

services: [
['browserstack', {
app: 'bs://<app-id>'
// OR
app: {
id: 'bs://<app-id>'


use custom_id of already uploaded apps

services: [
['browserstack', {
app: 'custom_id'
// OR
app: {
custom_id: 'custom_id'


use shareable_id of already uploaded apps

services: [
['browserstack', {
app: 'username/custom_id'
// OR
app: {
shareable_id: 'username/custom_id'


Cucumber only. Set the BrowserStack Automate session name to the Scenario name if only a single Scenario ran. Useful when running in parallel with wdio-cucumber-parallel-execution.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Customize the BrowserStack Automate session name format.

Type: Function
Default (Cucumber/Jasmine): (config, capabilities, suiteTitle) => suiteTitle
Default (Mocha): (config, capabilities, suiteTitle, testTitle) => suiteTitle + ' - ' + testTitle


Mocha only. Do not append the test title to the BrowserStack Automate session name.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Mocha only. Prepend the top level suite title to the BrowserStack Automate session name.

Type: Boolean
Default: false


Automatically set the BrowserStack Automate session name.

Type: Boolean
Default: true


Automatically set the BrowserStack Automate session status (passed/failed).

Type: Boolean
Default: true


buildIdentifier is a unique id to differentiate every execution that gets appended to buildName. Choose your buildIdentifier format from the available expressions:

  • BUILD_NUMBER: Generates an incremental counter with every execution
  • DATE_TIME: Generates a Timestamp with every execution. Eg. 05-Nov-19:30
services: [
['browserstack', {
buildIdentifier: '#${BUILD_NUMBER}'

Build Identifier supports usage of either or both expressions along with any other characters enabling custom formatting options.


BrowserStack Local options.

Type: Object
Default: {}

List of available local testing modifiers to be passed as opts:

Local Identifier

If doing simultaneous multiple local testing connections, set this uniquely for different processes -

opts = { localIdentifier: "randomstring" };

Verbose Logging

To enable verbose logging -

opts = { verbose: "true" };

Note - Possible values for 'verbose' modifier are '1', '2', '3' and 'true'

Force Local

To route all traffic via local(your) machine -

opts = { forceLocal: "true" };

Folder Testing

To test local folder rather internal server, provide path to folder as value of this option -

opts = { f: "/my/awesome/folder" };

Force Start

To kill other running BrowserStack Local instances -

opts = { force: "true" };

Only Automate

To disable local testing for Live and Screenshots, and enable only Automate -

opts = { onlyAutomate: "true" };


To use a proxy for local testing -

  • proxyHost: Hostname/IP of proxy, remaining proxy options are ignored if this option is absent
  • proxyPort: Port for the proxy, defaults to 3128 when -proxyHost is used
  • proxyUser: Username for connecting to proxy (Basic Auth Only)
  • proxyPass: Password for USERNAME, will be ignored if USERNAME is empty or not specified
opts = {
proxyHost: "",
proxyPort: "8000",
proxyUser: "user",
proxyPass: "password",

Local Proxy

To use local proxy in local testing -

  • localProxyHost: Hostname/IP of proxy, remaining proxy options are ignored if this option is absent
  • localProxyPort: Port for the proxy, defaults to 8081 when -localProxyHost is used
  • localProxyUser: Username for connecting to proxy (Basic Auth Only)
  • localProxyPass: Password for USERNAME, will be ignored if USERNAME is empty or not specified
opts = {
localProxyHost: "",
localProxyPort: "8000",
localProxyUser: "user",
localProxyPass: "password",

PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration)

To use PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration) in local testing -

  • pac-file: PAC (Proxy Auto-Configuration) file’s absolute path
opts = { "pac-file": "<pac_file_abs_path>" };

Binary Path

By default, BrowserStack local wrappers try downloading and executing the latest version of BrowserStack binary in ~/.browserstack or the present working directory or the tmp folder by order. But you can override these by passing the -binarypath argument. Path to specify local Binary path -

opts = { binarypath: "/path/to/binary" };


To save the logs to the file while running with the '-v' argument, you can specify the path of the file. By default the logs are saved in the local.log file in the present woring directory. To specify the path to file where the logs will be saved -

opts = { verbose: "true", logFile: "./local.log" };

For more information on WebdriverIO see the homepage.

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