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WebdriverIO allows you to emulate Web APIs using the emulate command. These Web APIs can then behave exactly as you specify it.

Read more on this in the Emulation guidelines.


This feature requires WebDriver Bidi support for the browser. While recent versions of Chrome, Edge and Firefox have such support, Safari does not. For updates follow Furthermore if you use a cloud vendor for spawning browsers, make sure your vendor also supports WebDriver Bidi.

browser.emulate(scope, options)
scopestringfeature of the browser you like to emulate, can be either geolocation, userAgent, colorScheme or onLine
optionsEmulationOptionsemulation option for specific scope
it('should open WebdriverIO using light color scheme', async () => {
await browser.emulate('colorScheme', 'light')
await browser.url('')
const backgroundColor = await browser.$('nav').getCSSProperty('background-color')
console.log(backgroundColor.parsed.hex) // outputs: "#efefef"
it('should open WebdriverIO using dark color scheme'm async () => {
await browser.emulate('colorScheme', 'dark')
await browser.url('')
const backgroundColor = await browser.$('nav').getCSSProperty('background-color')
console.log(backgroundColor.parsed.hex) // outputs: "#000000"

it('should find my emulated geo location', async () => {
await browser.emulate('geolocation', {
latitude: 52.52,
longitude: 13.39,
accuracy: 100
await browser.url('')
await browser.$('aria/Show Your Location').click()
await browser.pause(5000)
console.log(await browser.getUrl()) // outputs: ",13.39,16z?entry=ttu"

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