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Spec Reporter

A WebdriverIO plugin to report in spec style.

Spec Reporter


The easiest way is to keep @wdio/spec-reporter as a devDependency in your package.json, via:

npm install @wdio/spec-reporter --save-dev

Instructions on how to install WebdriverIO can be found here.


The following code shows the default wdio test runner configuration. Just add 'spec' as a reporter to the array.

// wdio.conf.js
module.exports = {
// ...
reporters: ['dot', 'spec'],
// ...

Spec Reporter Options


Provide custom symbols for passed, failed and or skipped tests

Type: object Default: {passed: '✓', skipped: '-', failed: '✖'}


symbols: {
passed: '[PASS]',
failed: '[FAIL]',

By default the test results in Sauce Labs can only be viewed by a team member from the same team, not by a team member from a different team. This options will enable sharable links by default, which means that all tests that are executed in Sauce Labs can be viewed by everybody. Just add sauceLabsSharableLinks: false, as shown below, in the reporter options to disable this feature.

Type: boolean Default: true


sauceLabsSharableLinks: false,


Print only failed specs results.

Type: boolean Default: false


onlyFailures: true,


Set to true to show console logs from steps in final report

Type: boolean Default: false

addConsoleLogs: true,


Set to true to display test status realtime than just at the end of the run

Type: boolean Default: false

realtimeReporting: true,


Set to false to disable [ MutliRemoteBrowser ... ] preface in the reports.

Type: boolean Default: true

showPreface: false,

With it set to false you will see output as:

Running: loremipsum (v50) on Windows 10
Session ID: foobar

» /foo/bar/loo.e2e.js
Foo test
green ✓ foo
green ✓ bar

» /bar/foo/loo.e2e.js
Bar test
green ✓ some test
red ✖ a failed test
red ✖ a failed test with no stack

and with true (default) each line will be prefixed with the preface:

[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] Running: loremipsum (v50) on Windows 10
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] Session ID: foobar
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0]
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] » /foo/bar/loo.e2e.js
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] Foo test
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] green ✓ foo
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] green ✓ bar
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0]
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] » /bar/foo/loo.e2e.js
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] Bar test
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] green ✓ some test
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] red ✖ a failed test
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0] red ✖ a failed test with no stack
[loremipsum 50 Windows 10 #0-0]

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