Driver Binaries
To run automation based on the WebDriver protocol you need to have browser drivers set up that translate the automation commands and are able to execute them in the browser.
Automated setup
With WebdriverIO v8.14
and above there is no need to manually download and setup any browser drivers anymore as this is handled by WebdriverIO. All you have to do is specify the browser you want to test and WebdriverIO will do the rest.
Customizing the level of automation
WebdriverIO's have three levels of automation:
1. Download and install the browser using @puppeteer/browsers.
If you specify a browserName
combination in the capabilities configuration, WebdriverIO will download and install the requested combination, regardless of whether there's an existing installation on the machine. If you omit browserVersion
, WebdriverIO will first try to locate and use an existing installation with locate-app, otherwise it will download and install the current stable browser release. For more details on browserVersion
, see here.
Automated browser setup does not support Microsoft Edge. Currently, only Chrome, Chromium and Firefox are supported.
If you have a browser installation on a location that cannot be auto-detected by WebdriverIO, you can specify the browser binary which will disable the automated download and installation.
capabilities: [
browserName: 'chrome', // or 'firefox'
'goog:chromeOptions': { // or 'moz:firefoxOptions'
binary: '/path/to/chrome'
2. Download and install the driver using Chromedriver, Edgedriver or Geckodriver.
WebdriverIO will always do this, unless driver binary is specified in the configuration:
capabilities: [
browserName: 'chrome', // or 'firefox', 'msedge', 'safari', 'chromium'
'wdio:chromedriverOptions': { // or 'wdio:geckodriverOptions', 'wdio:edgedriverOptions'
binary: '/path/to/chromedriver' // or 'geckodriver', 'msedgedriver'
WebdriverIO won't automatically download Safari driver as it is already installed on macOS.
Avoid specifying a binary
for the browser and omitting the corresponding driver binary
or vice-versa. If only one of the binary
values is specified, WebdriverIO will try to use or download a browser/driver compatible with it. However, in some scenarios it may result in an incompatible combination. Therefore, it's recommended that you always specify both to avoid any problems caused by version incompatibilities.
3. Start/stop the driver.
By default, WebdriverIO will automatically start and stop the driver using an arbitrary unused port. Specifying any of the following configuration will disable this feature which means you'll need to manually start and stop the driver:
- Any value for port.
- Any value different from the default for protocol, hostname, path.
- Any value for both user and key.
Manual setup
The following describes how you can still set up each driver individually. You can find a list with all drivers in the awesome-selenium
If you are looking to set up mobile and other UI platforms, have a look into our Appium Setup guide.
To automate Chrome you can download Chromedriver directly on the project website or through the NPM package:
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install -g chromedriver
yarn global add chromedriver
pnpm add -g chromedriver
You can then start it via:
chromedriver --port=4444 --verbose
To automate Firefox download the latest version of geckodriver
for your environment and unpack it in your project directory:
- Curl
- Brew
- Windows (64 bit / Chocolatey)
- Windows (64 bit / Powershell) DevTools
- npm
- Yarn
- pnpm
npm install geckodriver
yarn add geckodriver
pnpm add geckodriver
curl -L | tar xz
MacOS (64 bit):
curl -L | tar xz
brew install geckodriver
choco install selenium-gecko-driver
# Run as privileged session. Right-click and set 'Run as Administrator'
# Use for 32 bit Windows
$url = ""
$output = "" # will drop into current directory unless defined otherwise
$unzipped_file = "geckodriver" # will unzip to this folder name
# By default, Powershell uses TLS 1.0 the site security requires TLS 1.2
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Downloads Geckodriver
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $output
# Unzip Geckodriver
Expand-Archive $output -DestinationPath $unzipped_file
cd $unzipped_file
# Globally Set Geckodriver to PATH
[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", "$Env:Path;$pwd\geckodriver.exe", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
Note: Other geckodriver
releases are available here. After download you can start the driver via:
/path/to/binary/geckodriver --port 4444
You can download the driver for Microsoft Edge on the project website or as NPM package via:
npm install -g edgedriver
edgedriver --version # prints: Microsoft Edge WebDriver 115.0.1901.203 (a5a2b1779bcfe71f081bc9104cca968d420a89ac)
Safaridriver comes pre-installed on your MacOS and can be started directly via:
safaridriver -p 4444